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Meet Jayne Wright | Behind the Scenes of Our Coastal Window Display

Meet Jayne Wright | Behind the Scenes of Our Coastal Window Display

Jayne Wright, also known as @jawceramics on Instagram, is a talented local ceramicist who recently made over one of our window displays for us. We chatted with her about how she got started on her craft and her inspirations behind our fantastic new coastal window display. 



Tell us a little about yourself and how you got started in ceramics? 

I have been potting for 22 years. I was taught by Romilly Graham in her London studio. I mostly hand build and work with moulds in stoneware and porcelain. I am concerned about how disposable our society has become, we have so much unnecessary packaging and most of us guilt-cycle. I use my ceramic making to raise awareness and challenge these habits by making pieces that I hope people will want to reuse and keep. I use disposable plastic packaging and bric-a-brac from charity shops to press mould ceramic pieces. I also take plaster casts from some disposable objects and make permanent pieces from porcelain slip. Since moving to Margate I have been lino cutting images of local iconic buildings and printing into clay adding another dimension to my work. I add sea glass and ceramics to some of my pieces that I find on the Viking Coast, I record where I find the glass under the pot. I also make big pieces with reclaimed clay that reflect how beautiful our Kent Coast is. It is important to me that my work reflects sustainability and has a gentle message.



Can you tell us a little bit about your inspiration behind our new window display?

Bee from Artisans & Adventurers asked me if I would like to help with the window display after our morning sea swim. We are both Margate Mermaids 🧜🏿‍♀️ we are obsessed by the sea. Naturally I jumped at the chance to play in A&A, it is an absolute treasure chest of goodies.


We know you use a lot of reclaimed materials in your work, did any of these factor into the window display?

I am lucky enough to have some of my ceramics in this window display. The big pebble pot is made of reclaimed clay this is waste clay from throwing and turning. Potters always reclaim clay, we are a very conscious of waste but this is a mixture of all the bits from an art school in London. If you look carefully you can see bits of porcelain, stoneware and oxides from glazes. The mermaids 🧜🏿‍♀️ all have shards of sea glass in their tails found on the Viking Coast. The jellyfish bowl is made by using a retro Pyrex bowl that I found in one of my favourite Margate charity shops. We used left over yarn from my knitting to hang everything. It is important to me reuse, recycle and be as sustainable as possible.


How did you choose which products to feature?

Bee made the selection of A&A products choosing gorgeous textiles, jewellery and baskets. I had to have the beaded pink octopus 🐙 which even has its own emoji. From my ceramics the pebble and mermaids were obvious choices but I brought the jellyfish bowl, which I think looks a bit like coral there in the corner.


Is there a message you hoped to convey through the window display?

Water is fluid, spacious, vast, forever moving and changing. The sea has the most incredible colours and most of us enjoy relaxing at the beach. I hope we have achieved this feeling in our display. Our seas are so precious and I think we are just waking up to realising we all have to do our bit to protect them. Any discussion about our beach and our sea and how lucky we are to share it is a good thing.

How can people buy your work?

I have work in Dig Gallery Margate and Galleria Westgate On Sea.
I can be contacted directly DM for commissions through instagram @jawceramics

Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

I would like to ask everyone to consider making at least one purchase a month in one of their local independent shops. They need our support and pennies more than online shops. A little chat in a local shop puts a spring in your step. 


You can find Jayne on Instagram @jawceramics   


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