AARVEN Journal

Ghanaian Wax Cotton Fans | Joseph Ayelgasa
Our range of colourful Ghanaian wax cotton fans are expertly handmade for us by Joseph, a friendly local who runs a small business in Accra.

Handmade bags | One Tribe Mama
In my 8 years visiting Kenya I had never been up the Rift Valley. So in November 2018 I decided to take myself to Nakuru, boarding a local bus that...

Rwandan Baskets | Meet Love With Actions
My first impression of Rwanda was flying into Kigali airport. As we glided towards our descent I could see a lush green landscape below dotted with bright blue and silver...

Paper Light Shades & Decorations | Meet Indian Paper Crafters
On a sunny street in Jaipur a large sign sits proudly on an entrance gate bearing the slogan “Say No to Child Labour”. Business owner, Nishant hurries out from behind...

Table Cloths & Throws | Meet Tanzanian Women Weavers
Located in the Morogoro region of Tanzania you will find the vibrant blue workshop of our fantastic women weavers. Founded in 1983 to help impoverished female school leavers in rural areas of...