Over 20,000 independent businesses are preparing for London’s annual Small Business Saturday on December 1st, designed to encourage communities to shop local. With an abundance of business-to-business firms, small market retailers, and local coffee shops participating, this is sure to be one of the busiest shopping days of the year!
For more information head to the Old Spitalfields Market website here.
Why shop locally? We can give you just a few reasons to start with!
1. Choosing to spend your pounds in independent shops is a big local economic stimulus, it's estimated that 'for
every £1 spent locally, around 50p to 70p went back into the local economy. For the same £1 spent out of town or online, only about 5p trickled back to the community.' (source: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/jul/04/independent-retailers-fighting-back-high-streets) .
2. The ethical choice - products found in independent shops often have a far shorter source to shop journey.
3. Boosts local employment.
4. Unique businesses create character & prosperity in areas
5. Supporting small businesses means you are investing in local entrepreneurs and helping to build a strong community.
Small Business Saturday aims to create a more long-term boost for the community, encouraging shoppers to make use of their local traders continuously throughout the year. You can find out more about the small Business Saturday and discover events near you, here.
Written by Sarah Beringer