On a sunny street in Jaipur a large sign sits proudly on an entrance gate bearing the slogan “Say No to Child Labour”. Business owner, Mohit hurries out from behind it to greet us and offers us hot spicy chai before the tour around his recycled paper factory. This is handicraft on a scale we haven’t seen before and it’s impressive to witness. Three floors of activity, employing dozens of happy faces.

Mohit is passionate about paper and creating a secure working environment for his artisans. The business is Sedex certified, one of the highest standards a factory can achieve for environmental excellence and employee rights.

Downstairs stacks of paper bundled into different colours, are stored waiting to be mulched and pressed into new sheets. Downstairs, more machinery for printing, embossing and stitching by the team of talented staff. The workshop can produce orders of 1000’s of boxes, notebooks and light shades, each one skilfully cut, folded and stuck by hand. In the design office coloured paper animals and strings of garlands hang from the walls, as the team are busy creating new designs for clients.

All of AARVEN's recycled paper goods are made here. Our co-founder, Amy, works closely with the design team to bring her hand drawn or linocut patterns to life on light shades, greetings cards, wrapping paper, decorations and more.
Discover our full paper range here.